teisipäev, 5. november 2019

Monday and Tuesday

Monday and Tuesday                                                     4.-5.11.2019

We had Innovation Camp on these days and in our group were me, Anzelika and Elysabeth. It was fun, but I've done it already so it was simple for our team. We had idea to organize kids birthday parties and with this idea we wanted to make parents lives easier and give kids memorable birthday party. 

On first day we had to fill some papers so our ideas for business would run faster. For us everything run smoothly because we got the paper ready when almost everyone else was in the second table.  Name of the paper was BUSINESS CANVAS and it was made by the school itself @kpedu.fi on instagram! Go check it out. 😁

The second day was really easy. We had to present our idea. I had brought a computer from home so we didn't have to do it on the tablet like the others. The presentation came out wonderful and we really liked it.

Iris had also a really good idea. They...

esmaspäev, 4. november 2019

The Weekend

Saturday and Sunday was free so everyone was doing whatever they wanted to do. Teachers Tintera and Ilus left for the airport early on Saturday morning. We were planning on going to the swimming hall but the weather was so bad. Teachers Vaike Vetka and Sirje Koidu arrived around noon on Sunday. They told us about their flight and later we discussed about our stay here and all the things we have seen and experienced so far. In the evening teacher Vetka surprised us. She started to make pancakes for everyone. There was regular pancakes with jam and other pancakes with cheese. Since it was such a popular event, she promised to make them again some other day. On Sunday we all went to bed early because on Monday we had to go to school again.

Ketlin, Anzelika, Elysabeth, Iris and Brigitta

reede, 1. november 2019

Robots and shopping

Robots and shopping                                                       01.11.2019

On Friday we went to school at 10 am so everyone got more of their beauty sleep. We started our school day at the auditorium where we watched a documentary about fashion industries and how they are destroying our planet by polluting the nature. The film was quite disturbing and I believe everyone had some mixed feelings about it. Later we had a discussion what we could do to help the environment and but stop to this global problem.
At around 12 pm we visited a Media unit where we took part in robo-project presentation. Niko Kaukonen showed us two types of robots and their different possibilities. The little one, Nao singed and danced to us. He/she was really cute. Niko also showed as a bigger robot that was developed to help the elderly in Japan. We had some fun with them and it was really interesting to learn about them. Who knows what the future holds, maybe on day we are working with them side by side.

After school we went for shopping with Elysabeth and explored in town. I didn’t find anything but Elysabeth found a jacket from an outlet. We was unsure that she would like it or even wear it, but i said taht it is perfect for her and maybe for an half and a hour she bought it. After that on our way to villa we found a second hand shop, from instant look we had to hop in and take a look. Again Elysabeth found so much stuff. At some point In was so tired that I just wanted to go home. This was the end of the day. See you soon!!

Ketlin, Anzelika, Elysabeth, Iris and Brigitta

Monday and Tuesday

Monday and Tuesday                                                     4.-5.11.2019 We had Innovation Camp on these days and in our group...