teisipäev, 5. november 2019

Monday and Tuesday

Monday and Tuesday                                                     4.-5.11.2019

We had Innovation Camp on these days and in our group were me, Anzelika and Elysabeth. It was fun, but I've done it already so it was simple for our team. We had idea to organize kids birthday parties and with this idea we wanted to make parents lives easier and give kids memorable birthday party. 

On first day we had to fill some papers so our ideas for business would run faster. For us everything run smoothly because we got the paper ready when almost everyone else was in the second table.  Name of the paper was BUSINESS CANVAS and it was made by the school itself @kpedu.fi on instagram! Go check it out. 😁

The second day was really easy. We had to present our idea. I had brought a computer from home so we didn't have to do it on the tablet like the others. The presentation came out wonderful and we really liked it.

Iris had also a really good idea. They...

esmaspäev, 4. november 2019

The Weekend

Saturday and Sunday was free so everyone was doing whatever they wanted to do. Teachers Tintera and Ilus left for the airport early on Saturday morning. We were planning on going to the swimming hall but the weather was so bad. Teachers Vaike Vetka and Sirje Koidu arrived around noon on Sunday. They told us about their flight and later we discussed about our stay here and all the things we have seen and experienced so far. In the evening teacher Vetka surprised us. She started to make pancakes for everyone. There was regular pancakes with jam and other pancakes with cheese. Since it was such a popular event, she promised to make them again some other day. On Sunday we all went to bed early because on Monday we had to go to school again.

Ketlin, Anzelika, Elysabeth, Iris and Brigitta

reede, 1. november 2019

Robots and shopping

Robots and shopping                                                       01.11.2019

On Friday we went to school at 10 am so everyone got more of their beauty sleep. We started our school day at the auditorium where we watched a documentary about fashion industries and how they are destroying our planet by polluting the nature. The film was quite disturbing and I believe everyone had some mixed feelings about it. Later we had a discussion what we could do to help the environment and but stop to this global problem.
At around 12 pm we visited a Media unit where we took part in robo-project presentation. Niko Kaukonen showed us two types of robots and their different possibilities. The little one, Nao singed and danced to us. He/she was really cute. Niko also showed as a bigger robot that was developed to help the elderly in Japan. We had some fun with them and it was really interesting to learn about them. Who knows what the future holds, maybe on day we are working with them side by side.

After school we went for shopping with Elysabeth and explored in town. I didn’t find anything but Elysabeth found a jacket from an outlet. We was unsure that she would like it or even wear it, but i said taht it is perfect for her and maybe for an half and a hour she bought it. After that on our way to villa we found a second hand shop, from instant look we had to hop in and take a look. Again Elysabeth found so much stuff. At some point In was so tired that I just wanted to go home. This was the end of the day. See you soon!!

Ketlin, Anzelika, Elysabeth, Iris and Brigitta

neljapäev, 31. oktoober 2019

What did we do on Thursday?

What did we do on Thursday?                                      31.10.2019

On Thursday, school started at 9 am. We visited a "Working life skills" lesson. We were divided into groups and we had to make a poster about our expectations for a future job and the skills required for it. After the brainstorm we had a discussion about the ideas the class came up with.  Then we took a part of customer service class. The teacher was really talkative and active through the whole lesson, but everyone else was practically asleep.

Around 12 pm we had our lunch and after that we visited a language lab. In the language lab they had a built in system for listening and speaking exercises. Every table was equipped with a headphone set and a student panel. To test them, we were given a task to complete. Everybody put their headphones on and the listening started. Every student was able to listen to the conversation as much as they needed using the student panel and headphones.  Later we had some pair-work. This was our last lesson at school and around 2 pm we were free to go.

In the evening we went to the concert. The concert was tribute to Tomas Ledin, a Swedish singer. We had no idea who he was but the Finnish people seemed to be very fond of him. Concert started at 19 and it was pretty crowded. It started out slow but by the third song we were quite enjoying ourselves. The band was engaging the crowd to sing and clap along with them. We didn't understand much but they were constantly making jokes and people were laughing and having fun. It lasted about an hour and then we went back to the Villa.

Ketlin, Anzelika, Elysabeth, Iris and Brigitta

kolmapäev, 30. oktoober 2019

A day with hockey

A day with hockey                                                            30.10.2019

We woke up 7:36 and we got ready 8:23 because Brigitta told we have to be ready 8:30 and when we got upstairs teachers looked at us like fools because we had to be ready 8:45!! But it's okay and we weren't that mad at her.

During the first lesson we built a tower of marshmallows and spaghetti with some tape and rope to win some small awards. Our group won a chocolate from Fazer (Laura, Karolin, Elysabeth and me). After that lesson we presented our presentation (you can see it on the link)  That went well but some of the words were hard and Anu spotted some mistakes but it wasn't that bad as it felt for me and Anzelika. Our teacher Ilus told that we were amazing and she really liked my presentation. 

After that we had our lunch and next lesson started 12:15 until 14:00 and it was about customers service. Teacher who gave it to us was really nice and talkative.

At the evening we had a hockey game at Ice hockey hall. We got free tickets and teachers almost forced us there, but when we got dressed and went upstairs it suddenly wasn't anymore compulsory activity. When we stood there our teacher Ilus showed us her elephant, it was first time she was smiling so bright at this trip. 
Hockey was fun but we were there only for the first half of the game with Anzelika and Elysabeth. We came back from there and we went straight to the store. After we got back to the villa we made some glogg, sat down and wrote our first blog post.
Rest of the group stayed until the end of the game. They said that the game was intense and exciting. Unfortunately our town team lost but they put up a good fight. There was even some blood shed on the ice. Our Teacher Tintera was the biggest fan among us.

Ketlin, Anzelika, Elysabeth, Iris and Brigitta

teisipäev, 29. oktoober 2019

The first day at school

The first day at school                                                      29.10.2019

Alarm started at 8:45 and we woke up pretty fast but it was so cold in here so everyone moved quickly. We did our make-up and got dressed. Some of us had breakfast and those who didn't, got rebuked by our teacher Anu. We gathered upstairs to go outside and walk to the school but when we got outside there was a big surprise. It was snowing!

When we got to the school Anne-Maija came to meet us and show where the classes are and where we can put our coats. After that we visited english lesson that we had with their students on first course. The teacher explained their studying method. They don't use any books, they have tablets and they can use their phones. Anne-Maija told us like hundred times that they have very flexible schedule to students. When we have our practice 10 weeks per course then they have many options to do practice but one of them is similar to ours. It seemed to us that they can come and go when ever they want and talk back to the teachers.

Then we had lunch at school 11:45, you can choose between some of the warm foods and you can make a salad for yourself and in the price is the dessert also.

The school ended 14:00 and we went straight to the shops because Elysabeth needed slippers and we didn't find any, but got something to eat. On our way back to the villa we went to the Pizza and Kebab restaurant and we ordered kebab wrap.

19:00 we had a concert at Keski-Pohjamaan konservatorio to listen Herbie Hancock super happy fun time. It was a jazz concert, it was funny that they offered earplugs while entering the hall. They were really enjoying themselves.

Ketlin, Iris, Anzelika, Elysabeth, Brigitta

esmaspäev, 28. oktoober 2019

The first beginning of everything

The first beginning of everything                                    28.10.2019

We met with our teachers Anu Tintera and Tiina Ilus and others from our course and the third course at the airport 4:15 in the morning. We were lucky to get the tickets to Helsinki from the Tartu airport and then to Kokkola. The check in was pretty fast and we didn't have to wait in the line for long. When the security control was over we went to sit at the waiting room for our plane. The plane was so small, but everyone was so tired so we slept the whole flight. For some of us had their first flight but they said it wasn't scary at all.

When we got to Helsinki airport about 6:18, everyone went somewhere. Anzelika, Elysabeth and I walked around and got so tired at some point. Then we sat down and laughed at everything, because we were so tired and bored. Then I discovered that our teacher Anu Tintera almost ruined our presentation, which I worked so hard on so it would look on spot. So I redid the presentation and added some things about or school. Time went by so fast that we didn't even noticed. Next flight went at 10:45 but the check in started at 10:15. The second flight had two stops and we got off the plane at second stop. 

At Kokkola we got back our luggage and there was taxi outside waiting for us. 
When we arrived to the Hostel Villa Carleborg we were so hungry and tired. We got so angry because we weren't allowed to go to the shop before the Anne-Maija had visited us and talked about the schedule. After that we almost ran to the shop, but on the way there we decided to buy some pizza. But we still visited the S-Market to buy something to drink. Drinks in Finland are so expensive so it is pointless to buy it somewhere else. Pant on bottles are so much higher than in Estonia, in Estonia it is like 0.10 cents but in Finland big bottle is 0.40 and others 0.15 cents.
After eating we went to do our night routine that includes face wash and brushing your teeth. Then we went to bed with Elysabeth and even it sound funny it was six o'clock. Anzelika talked on the phone with somebody. Then the morning arrived... (read the next post 😉)

Ketlin Kiis and MY18 specially Elysabeth and Anzelika

Monday and Tuesday

Monday and Tuesday                                                     4.-5.11.2019 We had Innovation Camp on these days and in our group...